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It's seems logical to start this pages with a few places found on the Web where it's possible to get some Scobys. By the way it's not so easy to search fro it and hope for a local place and I did the search with a Swiss centric point of view, so we start with a few tips :
(*1) I understand it quite well, because the standard pattern is that you give a scoby, then they loose it, then you give one again and it becomes lost again! it feels quite useless especially if you finally lose yours, but on the other side it's a very good business paradigm, and one more point if the scoby is very expensive it's likely to be cared of better, so somehow everybody win : the shop, the customer (long life product), the scoby (well cared after and happy )
(*2) I knew another one, but it closed, probably because of diseases curing claims.
Swiss scobys shop(s) : Swiss portal :
- Many people who gives FREE scobys on the NET have lost them by the time you call them, or had a shift of interest on the scoby or the social side, these things happen quickly . So trying to get free scobys is probably a good idea but ... it could be not so easy.
- Could not find a single web shop in the French speaking part of Switzerland, not a single one! So please prove me wrong!
- If you are ready to buy a scoby because all your friends lost them and the strangers you try to contact do not give them any more (*1), you have to search inside the German speaking part of Switzerland/ (apparently they are more into fermentation than the Swiss French and here is a word combination that brings many results is kefirknolle kaufen even so I found ONLY ONE SHOP (*2) inside the German-Swiss part (did not try the Italian part). Any information about another shop in Switzerland would be great! By the way Germany and France got a few good looking online shops for scobys
(*1) I understand it quite well, because the standard pattern is that you give a scoby, then they loose it, then you give one again and it becomes lost again! it feels quite useless especially if you finally lose yours, but on the other side it's a very good business paradigm, and one more point if the scoby is very expensive it's likely to be cared of better, so somehow everybody win : the shop, the customer (long life product), the scoby (well cared after and happy )
(*2) I knew another one, but it closed, probably because of diseases curing claims.
Swiss scobys shop(s) : Swiss portal :
- Renens : Grains de kéfir de lait et kombucha.
- (as above but another portal) Renens : Grains de kéfir de lait et kombucha.
- Thurgau : Milchkefir, Wasserkefir und Sauerteig.
- 8512 Thundorf (TG) : Milchkefir, Wasserkefir und Sauerteig.
- Danièle Festy : gives water kefir grains.
- Annuaire des personnes pouvant donner du Kéfir.
- A donner Grains de kéfir de lait et de fruit et souche de Kombucha.
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